100 per cent Made in India ‘Sarvatra Kavach’ body armour for Indian Army

The Indian Army will soon get 100 per cent  Made in India “Sarvatra Kavach” body armour outfit  for its soldiers in the war front. This bullet-proof  body suit  is indigenous and most advanced in this genre in the world. The material for this is completely developed by the Indian Army itself. It is capable of protecting the neck, torso, upper arms, groin and the thighs from all kinds of small arms ammunition, a report in Deccan Chronicle quoting sources said.

Major  Anoop Mishra, a serving Army officer, has designated and developed  ‘Sarvatra Kavach’ which is considered as a pride product of Indian Army. lt’s ready for field trials. Major Mishra’s innovation has  brought him high  recognition .an award of Vishisht Seva Medal by Army and a Letter of Appreciation from the Prime Minister.

According to the report,’Sarvatra Kavach’ is light-weight, water and UV rays-resistant and lasting  longer than  similar products manufactured elsewhere in the world, It costs almost 50 per cent lesser and offers far superior protection.

“There are only handful countries in the world that have ingenuously developed full body armour suit,” a senior official told the Deccan Chronicle