
Yoga for a beautiful life Yoga

Matsyasana Matsyasana is a kind of Yoga posture that takes up the shape of fish. Sit down in Patmasana and....

Obesity increases the risk of anxiety and depression in young people Good Looks

Obesity has been a problem that has affected a large number of people in the recent times. The changing lifestyle....

Yeti and its reality Culture

Yeti is a myth that is prevalent among the tribal people of the Himalayan region. In the language of the....

Three Yoga Asanas For a Healthy Body And Mind Yoga

Vrikshasana Stand straight with your legs close together. Now bend your right leg and place the left foot on the....

Health Benefits Of Naadishodhana Pranayama Top Slide News

This yoga posture is aimed at attaining a healthy balance between the nerves, which are known as ‘Ida’, and ‘pingala’....

Mutual Fund Investment becomes more attractive with the proposal to reduce expense ratio Community

The recent decision by SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) to make changes in the Mutual Fund Expense ratio is....

Ayurveda and Modern Science Ayurveda

There have been many instances where the importance of Ayurveda is belittled when compared with the modern science.  The modern....

Let’s Return to Nature Meditation

Praveen Vikkath Rain is one of the most loved natural forces that create a feeling of awe as well as....

Kite Fest at Kovalam Beach Destinations

Adding to the thrill of the tourists and the onlookers, the Kite festival at the Kovalam Beach was indeed a....

Gomuthra (Cow Urine) and Ayurveda Ayurveda

Setting aside various political and religious debates about cow and gomuthra in India, Ayurveda Practitioners assert that  according to Ayurveda,....