
Components of Yoga Yoga

With its holistic and health enhancing effects, Yoga is now hailed as a healthy way of life wherein one attains....

Oman receives the International Tourism Award for the Best Tourist Destination  Destinations

A survey that included 3000 tourism officers from various fields in travel and tourism chose Oman as the best tourist....

Yoga and Music Therapy for alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease Top Slide News

Alzheimer’s disease is not just another normal disease that is easy to deal with. Though very common in elderly people,....

The cost effective way to treat infections Body

A new anti-bacterial agent that can easily and effectively deal with various bacterial infections caused due to pneumonia, intestinal infections....

Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Health Nutrition

Rich in plants and olive oil and low in meat and sugar, the Mediterranean diet is inspired by the eating....

How much sugar can be consumed in a day? Nutrition

Sugar intake and diabetes has always been a domain of scrutiny for many. Sweet foods being very tempting, it is....

Yoga for improving sex life Yoga

There are many claims both on line and off line that yoga can help one improve the sex life, making....

Meditation To Experience The Joyful moments of The Present Meditation

Individuals who are stuck in the calamities of the past and are anxious about the future do not enjoy the....

Dealing with summer in the Ayurveda Style Ayurveda

Seasons keep on changing and now Indians are in the season, which is known as the ‘Utharayana kala’ in Sanskrit,....

Onions and garlic to prevent cancer Nutrition

Onions and Garlic are inevitable ingredients in most of the recipes. Just as they add to the flavor and taste....