
Home remedies for cough and cold Ayurveda

Cough and cold are very common diseases which can trouble anyone at anytime. Usually the common causes for these diseases....

Yoga to Prevent Asthma Yoga

Yoga postures which are otherwise known as asanas can be extremely effective in curing ailments and also in maintaining a....

Ayurveda treatment for psoriasis Ayurveda

Ayurveda has always been effective in treating various ailments and unlike the modern medicine, it has lesser side effects. Kerala....

New study on meditation proves that mediation can influence learning Meditation

Meditation has always been hailed as a powerful tool that is capable of enhancing physical and mental health. Adding to....

Your thinking determines your physical strength, New study suggests Fitness

Even though it is quite a fact that in most of the cases, the mind has a major role to....

Simple yoga postures to keep body mind equilibrium  Don't Miss

Yoga makes the body flexible and keeps the mind calm. The effectiveness of Yoga can be attributed to the physical....

Fairness Tips from Ayurveda  Ayurveda

The ancient medical science of Ayurveda has been proved effective in improving health and curing ailments unlike the modern medicine,....

Boosting Libido Relationship

Libido or the sex drive is extremely important in having a health sex life. It varies between individuals and it....

Kick start to Kochi -Muziris –Biennale in Kochi Destinations

The fourth edition of Kochi -Muziris –Biennale was inaugurated in the Kochi attracting the native as well as global art....

Meditation techniques to stimulate sensibility Meditation

Meditation is not something that one practices for a fixed time. Rather, the total awareness of meditation should emanate into....