
Amaravati Global Music and Dance Festival Headline Stories

  Andhra Pradesh is all set to present the present the second edition of the Amaravati Global Music and Dance....

Hydrotherapy for a healthier life Headline Second

Water constitutes a major part of both human body and also of nature. Being one of the essential elements of....

Body massage and its benefits Body

Body massage has been a style of treatment which has been prescribed by many ancient texts as well as modern....

Benefits of Mud Therapy Holistic

Mud therapy has been recommended as an effective treatment for quite a lot of ailments by the ancient scriptures of....

Payippadan wins 66th edition of Nehru Trophy boat race Headline Stories

The Jawaharlal Nehru Trophy Vallamkaly (boat race) for ages has been the trigger for a heavy dose of adrenaline in....

Yoga therapy to keep you calm and flexible Don't Miss

It is a well-known and accepted fact that physical activity boosts the functioning of a sound mind.  According to Ayush....

Indian Nameology Predictions Astrology

Indian Nameologists claim that the first letter of names would have a clear influence on one’s destiny. They attribute certain....

China will overtake France as the world’s largest tourist destination by 2030 News

  The global research company Euromonitor International explains that the increased demand from the tourists from the surrounding countries to....

Rashmi Verma inaugurates India Pavilion at World Travel Mart London News

Incredible India Pavilion, stand number AS300 and 350, at the World Travel Mart; London was inaugurated by Rashmi Verma, Secretary....

Role of ‘Nishkama Karma’ in Day to Day Life Spirituality

Naturopathy, a system of life wherein man lives in harmony with the constructive principles of nature on the physical, mental, moral....