
Effective Herbs for Arthritis Ayurveda

Arthritis is one of the most painful conditions wherein the patient has to live in constant pain. It has been....

The medicinal value of Tulsi Ayurveda

Tulsi  has great significance in various traditions and customs of the Indian culture and it is not just a medicinal....

Osteoarthritis and Ayurveda Ayurveda

Photo by Katherine Hanlon One of the prominent and painful ailments among adults is Osteoarthritis and it is usually seen in....

Uluvakanji (Fenugreek Porridge) for better health Ayurveda

Fenugreek has been an important ingredient in the Indian cuisine for centuries and Indians owe it to the Ayurveda. Porridge....

Ayurveda: The holistic science Ayurveda

It was in the beginning of the 19th century that the studies on the unity of body and mind became....

Narasimharasayana for physical weakness and degenerative diseases Ayurveda

Narasimharasayana is a medicine in Ayurveda, which is used as in the treatment of premature graying of hair, got its....

The miracle of Ayurveda Ayurveda

In a recent event, the miraculous power of Ayurveda was revealed when a patient who was paralyzed from hip down....

Asthma: Approaches of Yoga and Ayurveda Ayurveda

Photo by Jared Rice A pulmonary disease, Asthma could be understood as obstructed breathing. The excessive formation of mucus in the....

Ayurveda Remedy for Migraine Ayurveda

Migraine is a very commonly seen condition in many individuals and the discomfort it causes is really stressful. Ayurveda calls....

Ayurveda and Modern Science Ayurveda

There have been many instances where the importance of Ayurveda is belittled when compared with the modern science.  The modern....