Benefits of Mud Therapy

Mud therapy has been recommended as an effective treatment for quite a lot of ailments by the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda.The Ministry of Ayush too has recommended it as an effective and simple treatment for many of the ailments that affect the proper functioning of our body. .
Mud being one of five elements of nature, is believed to have an immense impact on the body both in terms of its curative properties and also in terms of its constructive properties.
Being black in colour, mud absorbs the energy from the Sun and transfers it to the body. Moreover, mud retains moisture for a long time, and when applied over the body, it provides a cooling effect. The thickness of the mud when applied on body can be easily changed by adding a little bit of water. The most important factor that increases the accessibility of mud therapy is that it is cheap and easily available.
Below listed are some important health benefits of mud.
- When applied to abdomen it relieves the body all forms of indigestion. It is effective in decreasing intestinal heat and stimulates peristalsis.
- A thick mud pack applied to head in congestive headache relieves the pain immediately. Hence this is recommended whenever there is necessity for a prolonged cold application.
- Applying a layer of mud over the eyes is useful in cases of conjunctivitis, hemorrhages in the eyeball, itching, allergy, errors of refraction like short sight and long sight and especially useful in glaucoma where it helps to reduce the eyeball tension.
- It should be taken care that before applying to the body, the mud should be dried, powdered and sieved to separate stones, grass particles and other impurities Moreover, it should be noted that the mud used for therapy should be clean and taken from a depth of 3 to 4ft from the surface of the ground. The soil should not be contaminated by chemicals (pesticides or other such materials) and should be in a smooth texture, free from stones and such particles.
- Mud being the most natural element of our environment and an integral part of all human beings, it contains all the energy of the Mother Nature. Thus mud therapy can be seen as a blissful return to a state just like that of a fetus in a womb. This experience helps one feel the warmth of Mother Nature and results in a new birth free from ailments.