Benefits of Trikonasana

Extremely popular today among the western nations, the Indian practice of Yoga is known for its holistic enhancement. Trikonasana is one of the Yoga postures which are extremely helpful in strengthening the leg muscles and balancing the body and mind, consequently improving concentration. The daily practice of this asana is capable of keeping the individual healthy both in mind and body.
Trikonasana or utthita trikonasana, Triangle Pose is an asana is performed while standing straight.
Stand straight with the legs 1 m apart. Hold the hands horizontal to the floor and make sure that the palms face the floor. Now put your right leg towards the front. Bend the body towards the right and touch the right foot with your right hand. Exhale while you bend down. Make sure that you do not bend your knee. Lift your left hand up and look towards the left hand fingertip. Make sure that the right hand and left hand form a straight line. Take deep breath in this position for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with alternate legs.
The daily practice of Trikonasana strengthens the muscles in the legs and improves the flexibility of the waist. It is effective in the treatment of back pain and neck pain and helps in the gradual expansion of the chest. Effective in enhancing digestion, this asana, if done mindfully, can improve awareness and thus keeping both the mind and the body more relaxed and calm.