
Three Yoga Asanas For a Healthy Body And Mind Yoga

Vrikshasana Stand straight with your legs close together. Now bend your right leg and place the left foot on the....

Health Benefits Of Naadishodhana Pranayama Top Slide News

This yoga posture is aimed at attaining a healthy balance between the nerves, which are known as ‘Ida’, and ‘pingala’....

Yoga Mudras and Drishtis Yoga

Yoga, which has wide reach and acceptance today was initially a life style practiced by the yogis (Hindu monks) in....

Yoga and Meditation for Dementia Meditation

A research study that was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has reported that a 3-month yoga and meditation....

Benefits of Trikonasana Yoga

Extremely popular today among the western nations, the Indian practice of Yoga is known for its holistic enhancement. Trikonasana is....

Utthan prishtasana to deal with upper back pain Don't Miss

With its effectiveness for a number of physical and mental issues, yoga has gained popularity all over the world. Many....

Russia embraces Yoga Headline Stories

There was a time in the past when Russia saw yoga as an occult practice and the small one or....

Yoga could be used to treat drug Addiction, says Dr.H.R Nagendra Headline Second

It is reported that drug use has become a major threat in Punjab, a northern state of India. In a 2015....

Positive effect of Yoga on the Central nervous system and Immune system Don't Miss

During this period of coronavirus pandemic, it is important to keep the immunity intact and a new study suggests that....

Components of Yoga Yoga

With its holistic and health enhancing effects, Yoga is now hailed as a healthy way of life wherein one attains....