Business Group Offers Rs 526 crore to Kerala temple’s Renovation

Chottanikkara, one of the prominent temples in India, has been offered Rs 526 crores by a Bengaluru based Gana shravan group headed by Gana shravan in a bid to construct adequate infrastructure facilities in and around the temple.
The idea is to build a temple city with architectural brilliance. The project was submitted to Cochin Dewsam board one year before and the Dewaswam board has forwarded the plan to the government for further approval. However, several rounds of discussions were made and a committee including the representatives of the business group,Dewaswam board and an
architect was constituted.
The committee has approached the high court for further legal advice. The agreement is being prepared and is expected to be completed within a month’s time.
It is also reported that the head of the group himself is an ardent devotee of the deity an
d he wants the project to be completed under his direct supervision. He visits the temple every month to offer prayers.
According to a report the project consists of road around the temple, Sanctum sanctorum, a sewage treatment plant, renovation of parking grounds, new annadana mandapam (feeding hall), renovation of Temple, and construction of a guest house etc.