Cravings for healthier foods can be increased by pumping the aroma of foods

A study conducted by the researchers from the marketing department of the University of South Florida in Tampa has revealed that there is a strong relation between ambient odors and cravings and that this could be used in dealing with cravings.
According to the study cravings for unhealthy food can be significantly reduced if the individuals are exposed to the aroma of unhealthy food for a period longer than 2 minutes and that cravings for healthier foods can be increased by pumping in the aroma of healthier foods like fruits.
Using ambient aromas in increasing the business in food and beverage industry is a recent trend. The researchers have found that the aroma of unhealthy foods like pizza and cookies can increase the cravings for the same if the exposure is up to 2 minutes and if the aroma persists for more than two minutes, it is more likely that they go for healthy food choices. Experiments were conducted in a school setting, in a super market setting and also in a laboratory setting and the results substantiated that cravings for unhealthy food can be significantly reduced if the individuals are exposed to the aroma of unhealthy food for a period longer than 2 minutes.
The researchers suggest that steps like using cookie scented candles can improve healthier food choices. The findings of the research give significant insight into food cravings and how to minimize them and the research can be a base for further studies in the field.