Eight Time Management Tips For Students

Proper timing makes a person successful in his/her life. It is said that time well spent is well achieved. Time is not waiting for anybody. Taming it and using it according to your visions and completing your work successfully in time are called the best time management. Hence time is a very important factor in leading a successful life.
University-level education has always been considered as a crucial period in a person’s life. It not only provides momentum for accomplishing outstanding academic achievements, but also enhances lucrative career opportunities. The knowledge, skills and character formation that a student achieves through higher education would, no doubt, make him a good leader in every field ahead. Character here refers to how persistent he is during his studies, his problem solving skills, hard work and how much goal-oriented he is.
In order to obtain these, the student needs to have another very important characteristic which is considered the head honcho of these traits, his ability in managing “time” in his life.
It is said that time well spent is well achieved. Time is not waiting for anybody. Taming it and using it according to your visions and completing your projects successfully in time is called the best time management. Hence time is a very important factor in leading a successful life.
Time management during education begins with completing the course successfully in time as it helps to avoid unnecessary delays and worries in completing projects.
Inability to conduct proper time management may lead to underachievement. So it is imperative for a student to keep time management intact in order to accomplish a successful academic career as well as enhancing his personality.
Time management is consciously spending time on various activities according to their importance and urgency. There are different time management techniques available which are developed to ease professional and personal life.
Here are 8 steps that will help students manage their time
I. Spend energy only on useful activities
Parents usually make complaints about their children spending more time on Internet, but they are, in fact, unaware of the fact that their children are lacking in their ability to refrain from this habit. In order to abstain from unnecessary activities, the students should discriminate the things advantageous and disadvantageous. And then, concentrate on useful activities. Parents should also know that internet today is inseparable from our daily life.
When you start paying attention to useful things, unnecessary thoughts and addictions will naturally fade away.
According to Jim Kwik, famous memory trainer, the following activities every morning would help one to be on the right track
*Making beds
*Memorizing dreams
*Taking notes
2. Prioritize tasks
Do the hardest things first is the dictum that one can follow to succeed in life. It will lead one to do things according to their importance, not by their choice. There may be things that are urgent and important. It would be helpful for a student to finish the urgent things first. It will also help him meet the deadlines.
Engaging in physical activities like yoga and games would help get rid of lethargy and gain energy. It will help him to develop positivity and achieve success.
3. Avoid procrastination
Self motivation is the key to avoid procrastination. In order to get motivated, one must know himself and his inherent abilities. An urge for proving oneself will follow after achieving this self-awareness, and it will subsequently turn out as work energy.
Procrastination causes lack of concentration. If you do things at the right time you will get plenty of time to complete each work with utmost satisfaction.
4. Do one thing at a time
There may be more works to be finished at a time. But multi- tasking at a time affects concentration and confidence, which leads to underperformance.
According to Jim Kwick, multitasking also leads to IQ fall and lethargy.
The following would help avoid multitasking:
* It is important to concentrate on one task and do it fully and intensely.
* Take the urgent activity first and complete it however difficult it is.
* One activity at a time would be the motto you should pursue and don’t get panic over other activities while doing one work.
* When the time comes, do other activities with full intensity as you completed the first one.
5. Develop a healthy routine
In order to create a healthy routine, one must be fully aware of what is he going to do and its pros and cons. If he is aware of it and cultivates a positive thinking, it would naturally reflect on his habits and these habits will eventually become his routine.
6. Utilize the leisure times wisely
The time between work, classes, activities or meetings can be utilised wisely. During the breaks, a student can think about the important points and things that will be helpful in the examinations.
While spending time on internet or reading, it is better to stick to the contents that are related to your subjects. During break time, do also things that are enjoyable at the same time, which will make your life less monotonous.
. Sometimes it is inevitable to empty your mind so that you can approach the subject with a fresh mind and speed up the process of conceiving the subject and properly understanding it.
7. Recreation
De-stressing is very important in day-today- life. It will free you from unnecessary thoughts and will help study effectively. There are quite a lot of games, art and literature activities available on and off lines. Remember the saying “all study and no play” will not help anybody go ahead in life
Spending time unnecessarily on many of these things may also adversely affect the study as well as the character of the student. So it is important to select hobbies wisely. The hobbies that you select must have the ability to increase knowledge and help develop self-esteem.
The traditional physical activities and games are the most preferable ones for recreation. Yoga and meditation will improve the student’s awareness, perseverance, hard working mentality etc.
8. Delegate things
It is important to make use of your near and dear ones for the benefit of your study. They may not be able to study the subjects for you, but they can assist you by providing adequate information, helpful tips, drawing charts etc.