Herbal concoction to control Diabetes

Health experts suggest various herbal concoctions to control Diabetes.
One of such concoctions is as given below. Make sure that you consult your doctor before consuming this concoction as over consumption of the same may not be a good idea for everyone.The concoction help in dealing effectively with diabetes and the ingredients of the concoction can help in keeping the fluctuations of blood sugar level under control.Being natural, it does not have side effects unlike the medicines of the modern medical science.
Preparation: Mix one teaspoon each of fenugreek powder, jamunseed powder, neem powder and bitter gourd powder. Along with water, consume one teaspoon of this mixture before lunch and dinner every day.
Fenugreek seedsare packed with fibers that digest slowly and enable slow release of sugar in the bloodstream and thus have been used traditionally for the treatment of diabetes. Neem Powder has the capability of controlling diabetic symptoms on non-insulin dependent male diabetics.
Bitter gourd, with an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p (or p-insulin), and also being high on fibers (which allow the gradual release of sugar), is also effective in controlling the symptoms of diabetes
Jamun Seed Powder has hypoglycemic properties and anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants making it capable of controlling the fluctuations in blood sugar level.