Meditation To Experience The Joyful moments of The Present

Individuals who are stuck in the calamities of the past and are anxious about the future do not enjoy the beauty of the present. Once they realize that they have failed in enjoying the happiness of the present, they turn to material pleasure to make up for the loss. However, not all these material and physical pleasure can never replace the joy of self-realization and returning to the nature. Meditation is the best way towards attaining the joy of self-realization and returning to the nature. Meditation helps in improving the awareness and expelling the unwanted and unhealthy thoughts, thus keeping the consciousness immaculate. What remains in the consciousness is pure bliss.
Awareness meditation: There are quite a lot of meditation techniques that can help attain this bliss. The simplest of these is to sit in isolation with the eyes closed and concentrating only on the slow breathing. There would be quite a lot of thoughts that cross your mind during this meditation and it is important to be indifferent to such thoughts. This can be practiced in any posture as long as your spine is straight and eyes are closed. Focus on the body parts one by one, and imagine that the tensions in the particular area go away. Do that for every single part of the body and you would experience that you are completely relaxed.
Mindful-Meditation:Make sure that your spine is straight. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, concentrating completely on breathing, and be very mindful of the process of breathing, experiencing breathing in and breathing out. Concentrate on every single part of your body one by one. Continue the same for almost 10 minutes and then move your concentration to the sounds around you. It is important that you do not judge these sounds, but rather just experience them as they are. Continue the same for almost 5-6 minutes.
Slowly open your eyes, move your concentration to what you see around you, and again be careful that you do not judge them but rather just experience the mere vision of them. All this time, you should be aware of your body as well as your breath. In the beginning, it could appear to be quite difficult, but with practice, one would be able to experience the real joy of mindful- meditation. In course of time, you will understand that you have fallen in love with the mere act of existence.