Meditation techniques to Keep you calm the whole day

Meditation shall not be a momentary phenomenon and shall not turn out to be a practice to work out at dawn. Contrarily it must be a way of life. An art of dissolving and having said that, waking up at dawn and practicing meditation techniques may help you to be aware momentarily. But to linger this state of awareness all the day is challenging as the situations which you may have to face every day would be unpredictable. Sometimes it might be embarrassing or humiliating irrespective of your state of mind. Even if you are in a meditative mood, the other person to whom you are confronted may not be so. What should you do to keep calm and develop awareness instead of becoming anxious and stressed? Here are some tips to keep you calm the whole day.
- Don’t become self conscious at difficult times. Think that you are not there and extend your awareness towards other things.
- Look at the sky. It is always calm and indeterminate. Be like sky that is void, unrestricted and unconditional. By doing so, you will be free from all prejudices and with your unbiased mind you can take correct decisions.
- You can turn your attention towards a tree. Be like it as undemanding but enjoying the whole spirit of existence by receiving sunshine, water and food from nature. Be in roots but spread beyond boundaries. Overflow in compassion.
- You can divert your attention to your organs and while you are watching think the organ is fading away. Each organ is fading and at last you are also not there, means you are dissolved in the nature. So, as nobody is there to worry you will recognize that you are not the problem and it is something else. This technique will relax you and you can take correct decisions at this time.
- You can practice the technique of mindfulness and awareness at any time. For example while you are taking bath, you can see water pouring into each organ and keep your awareness along with water. Praveen Vikkath