Preventing Stroke With Yoga

Yoga can be extremely effective in preventing stroke since it enhances and helps regulates circulation of blood through the body. Causes of stroke include blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity and diabetes and all these can be controlled with the help of yoga and subsequently reduce the chances of contracting stroke. Following are some asanas that help reduce the chances of stroke and it is always desirable that one performs these asanas under expert supervision to yield the best results.


Sit down stretching your legs forward. Bent the right leg and keep the feet on the left thigh. Now, bend the left leg and keep your left feet on the right thigh. Close your eyes and keep your spine erect. Keep your hands in Chinmudra (ends of the thumb and the index finger touching together and keeping the rest of the fingers open). Rest your hands on the legs. If anyone feels it difficult to practice, they can experiment the ArdhaPadmasana position, ie.same steps as Padmasana but feet on the floor instead of thighs.

Benefits: Apart from improving concentration, mental control and stability of mind, Padmasana can help deal with stomach related diseases.


Lie down facing the floor and keep your legs together. Stretch your toes to the maximum. Keep your palm close to your shoulder and raise the body including face, shoulders, chest, and stomach until navel using the hands. While rising up, breathe in and balance your body on the hands.

Benefits: Hips and related body parts are strengthened with these asanas and it helps enhance digestion. This asana can be effective in dealing with conditions like gas trouble, heart burns and acidity. It also improves the elasticity of lungs and heart. The muscles of the hand and the back are also strengthened with this asana. This can subsequently help in preventing stroke.


Kneel down and then bend down with your palms on the floor. Keep your arms straight and at shoulder distance apart. Breathe in and raise your head while raising your right leg backwards. Breathe out and come back to the initial position and now try to touch your forehead with the right leg. Repeat the same for 10-12 times continuously with alternate legs.

Benefits: Arthritis and related joint pain can be relieved with this asana. It also provides strength and enhances the flexibility of the shoulders, neck, and spine. This asana gives enough exercise for all organs in the abdomen area along with reducing inflammations in the lower part of the body. This asana is beneficial in attaining body shape especially in reducing the unnecessary fat in the abdomen area along with improving the elasticity of the heart and the lungs.


Stand straight with your legs close together. Now bend your right leg and place the left foot on the right thigh. Breathe in and lift your hands and place the palms together above your head, make sure that your hands do not bend. Breathe out and come back to normal position.

Benefits: Capable of enhancing concentration, this asana can help you gain control over your sexual emotions and keep your genitals and related body parts healthy. This asana is also helpful in enhancing the body balance and also help control the symptoms of varicose vein.


Sit down in Vajrasana and then, standing on your knees, bend your body backwards, keeping your palms on the foot. Remain in this position for some time, concentrating on the breath. Breathe out and come back to the initial position.

Benefits: Along with improving the elasticity of the heart, the spine and the lungs, this asana is also helpful in improving the circulation of blood in the body.  This asana is also helpful in effectively dealing with epilepsy, stress and tensions.


Lie down on the floor with your face down (make sure that you use a floor mat) and keep your legs together. Keep your chin flat on the floor and keep both your palms below your shoulders on the floor. Now breathe in and raise your head and chest till your arms are completely straight. Simultaneously, bend both the legs backwards and touch your head with the sole of your foot. Remain in this position for some time and breathe slowly. Come back to the initial position after some time and repeat this for three or four times.

Benefits: This asana enhances the functioning of heart, lungs and pancreas along with the organs related to the hip and the stomach strong. It can also help improve the flexibility of the body, especially the spine. This asana is in fact the holistic enhancer of health.


Lie flat on the stomach and keep the feet apart and arms nearer to body. In next step fold the body and hold the ankles. While taking breath in lift the chest, legs, and stretch the legs back. Look straight. Keep the mind in peace, stick on this asana about 15-20 seconds, exhale, and free the pose.

Benefits: this asana reduces pot belly and strengthens the genitals and the associated organs. Along with providing elasticity to the heart, lungs and hips, it keeps the hip strong. Body pain due to arthritis can also be controlled with this asana.


Sit down in Padmasana and join your hands to place them near your chest. Breathe in slowly and simultaneously, lift your hands above your head, still keeping them joined together. Make sure that your spine is erect.

Benefits: along with improving the elasticity of heart and lungs, this asana is also effective in treating arthritis. The asana is also capable of preventing stomach related diseases and in reducing excessive fat in the thighs.