Ragi spinach dosa for Weight loss and Healthy Heart

A very common green leafy vegetable, Spinach or Palak can help you to shed the unnecessary fat in your body. This particular leafy vegetable is low in calories and a high source of minerals, vitamins, fiber and water.An easily available vegetable, spinach could be obtained throughout the year.It is low in carbs and fat and both of these are extremely good for weight loss. Thus it is desirable that you consume one cup of spinach than any other high calorie food item if you are planning to shed some weight. According to various studies, one cup of spinach contains just 7 calories and it is also a rich source of fibers and subsequently increases satiety, thus forcing you to reduce the intake of extra calories.
Spinach could be consumed in various forms including soup (spinach soup with a twist of spicy chickpea in it), PalakPaneer (cooked in less oil) or as Dosa made with spinach and Ragi/ Millet. Dosa recipe for Spinach is as follows:
50 gms rice flour
50 gms millet powder/ragi powder
Egg white
30 gms amaranth spinach
30 gms yellow lentils
4 shallots
Two green chilies
Five gms coriander leaves
Five gms oil
Salt as required
1 cup water
Preparation: Mix the rice flour and millet powder well and add the egg whites to this mixture along with half cup of water to make it into thick batter. Boil the remaining water and add it to mix it well to form the right consistency of the dosa batter. Heat the pan and pour the batter to make dosas as usual.
For the filling, steam cook the finely chopped spinach. Now crush shallots and green chillies along with yellow lentils and mix it with the steamed spinach. Spread this filling on the dosa and then fold the dosa. Serve the hot dosa with coconut chutney.