
111-year-old woman recovers from coronavirus attack Headline Second

Juana Zúñiga, 111, from Chile has recovered from Coronavirus infection. Juana Zúñiga was infected of Covid-19 during her stay at....

Air Fares May Jump Nine fold With Social Distancing, Says Qantas Corporate Wellness

In a briefing with reporters Tuesday Qantas Chief Executive Officer Alan Joyce said “Social distancing on an aircraft isn’t practical,”Bloomberg....

General Atlantic To Invest Rs 6,600 Crore In Jio Platform To Hold 1.34% Equity Corporate Wellness

According to reports New York based private equity fund General Atlantic will invest Rs 6,598.38 crore for a 1.34 percent....

Sonu Sood arranges buses for migrants stuck in Mumbai Community

In the wake of reports that migrant workers who have been desperately trying to reach home are stranded in various....

Take care of children, teens and young adults, they are at greater risk from COVID-19 Headline Second

Children, teens and young adults are at great risk for severe complications from COVID-19 than previously thought and those with....

The importance of regulating mood with activities during lockdown Headline Second

A new study finds that people with depression are less likely to use activities to help regulate their moods. This....

Private equity firm Silver Lake to invest Rs 5,655.75 crore in Reliance Jio Platforms Corporate Wellness

In a deal which came less than two weeks after Facebook announced a $5.7 billion investment, another US company Silver....

 “The only thing I have a grudge against him is; he has spoiled me for life,” Sutapa Sikdar in a touching note on Irrfan Khan Headline Second

Sutapa and Irrfan fell in love with each other while studying at National School of Drama, Delhi and got married....

Acting was Irrfan’s second love, first was cricket Headline Second

Many are not aware of the fact that ace actor Irrfan Khan, who succumbed to death early Wednesday, was an....

Being fun is no laughing matter Headline Second

A longitudinal study examined whether children who are well-liked and children who are popular got that way by being fun....