Role of Yoga in treating Diabetics

Yoga, with its salubrious nature, provides peace of mind and adequate stretch to body and has now become one of the most effective means in treating diabetics. Some of these asanas performed in this regard could easily be practiced at home where as some other are laborious and can only be learned through routine practice under the guidance of a yoga master. Below are some of the Asanas which according to some diabetic patients are very helpful in controlling the sugar level in the blood.
A very easy to practice and effective Asana, Vajrasana has proved to be very effective not only treating diabetics but also in treating the pain caused by arthritis, guts and menstrual cramps. While most of the asanas have to be performed before food, Vajrasana proposes no such demands.Vajrasana can be practiced at any time by anyone but those who suffer pain in the joints might face some difficulty performing this asana. Moreover, Vajrasana has proved to be the best position to practice meditation and pranayama. Vajrasana is the posture wherein the individual sits up on the heels with the toes close together, taking slow breaths.
Surya Namskar
Surya Namaskar is extremely beneficial in treating diabetics and moreover it is a combination of many asanas. Starting a day with Surya namaskar can help in doing other difficult Yoga postures.
While doing Surya Namaskara, it is imperative to breathe through the nose. In the initial posture, the person breathes in and the breath is gradually released only in the second posture. This control of breath continues with alternate postures except for the fifth posture wherein after exhalation, the breath is not taken in till the sixth posture. In Sanskrit breathing in is called Pooraka and breathing out is Rechaka while holding the breath inside is titled AntharKumaka and holding outside is BahirKumbaka.
All the joints in the body are under motion while practicing Surya Namaskara. Furthermore, it is also beneficial for stomach as it stimulates the muscles in there. It is reported that as the organs are strengthened by exercise and that it alleviates ailments. Subsequently, the daily practice of Surya Namaskara keeps you fit throughout the life and moreover, reduces premature aging. Practicing Surya Namaskara early in the morning would keep you fresh and healthy all day long.
After practicing Surya Namskara, one can go for the other asanas which are effective in the treatment of Diabetics.
This includes…
ParivrttaTrikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Vakrasana (Half Spinal Twist Pose)
Camel Pose or Ustrasana
Bow Pose or Dhanurasana
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand yoga pose) etc.
A patient who routinely practices yoga can keep diabetes under control and leads a happier and healthier life.