USCIS Unveils New Self-Service Tool for Effortless Rescheduling of Biometric Appointments

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has introduced a user-friendly self-service tool that allows individuals, including attorneys and accredited representatives, to easily reschedule most biometric services appointments before the originally scheduled date.
This new initiative is part of USCIS’s commitment to improving customer service and aligns with the objectives outlined in the Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery, which aims to restore trust in government mandates.
Director of USCIS, Ur M. Jaddou, expressed the agency’s dedication to enhancing the customer experience by creating accessible services for individuals of all abilities.
Simplifying Biometric Rescheduling Previously, individuals seeking benefits and accredited representatives were required to contact the USCIS Contact Center to request a rescheduling of their biometric services appointments.
With the introduction of this new tool, individuals with a USCIS online account can now conveniently reschedule most biometric services appointments without having to make a phone call.
Please note that the tool cannot be used to reschedule appointments that have already been rescheduled twice or more, appointments within 12 hours, or appointments that have already passed.
Accessing the biometric services appointment rescheduling tool is possible through a USCIS online account, regardless of whether the case was submitted online or by mail.
While benefit requestors and accredited representatives still have the option to call the USCIS Contact Center for rescheduling, USCIS strongly encourages the use of the new tool to save time, increase efficiency, and reduce call volume to the Contact Center.
The Importance of Biometrics Collection Biometrics collection enables USCIS to verify individuals’ identities, produce secure documents, and conduct necessary criminal and national security background checks to safeguard national security, public safety, and ensure eligibility for the sought-after benefit.
Guidance on Rescheduling and “Good Cause” USCIS has provided guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to clarify its approach toward untimely requests for rescheduling biometric services appointments and the consequences of missing an appointment.
The agency outlines how it considers timely requests for rescheduling based on “good cause.” In such cases, the request should include a valid reason for the benefit requestor’s inability to appear on the originally scheduled date.
Acceptable reasons for rescheduling may include:
- Illness, medical appointment, or hospitalization
- Pre-planned travel
- Significant life events such as weddings, funerals, or graduation ceremonies
- Inability to arrange transportation to the appointment location
- Inability to obtain leave from employment or caregiver responsibilities
- Late delivery or non-delivery of the biometric services appointment notice
Biometric Rescheduling Procedures Please note that USCIS only accepts untimely rescheduling requests made through the USCIS Contact Center and does not accept untimely requests for rescheduling by mail or in person at a USCIS office.
Additionally, the myUSCIS online rescheduling tool cannot be used for untimely requests.
By introducing this self-service tool and providing comprehensive guidance, USCIS aims to enhance the overall experience for benefit requestors and their representatives. The rescheduling process will be streamlined, ensuring timely and efficient service delivery.