Video: Barbers sing song to make child comfortable during haircut

Childhood memories of a haircut in a barber shop is unforgettable to every person. It is a scary event in life listening to the ‘cut,cut’ sound of the scissors in the barbers hand.
As adults, we fondly recollect such situations of our childhood. Watching such things make us walk down memory lane.
The barbers play many tricks to calm the child who is utterly scared listening the sound of the scissors.
It is such a video wherein barbers singing for a scared little boy, who is anxiously waiting for his haircut to finish has gone viral on internet. It is the song of the barbers that kept the boy calm and prevented him from crying.
In the meantime, another barber smoothly finishes his haircut as the boy immersed in their song.
Many have fondly shared this video on twitter and captioned “He felt very anxious about having his hair cut, and so they all sang to him to make him feel more comfortable.”